Portraits, performance videos and story boarding. I love producing things for creative people. Based somewhere in between Bristol and Bath UK. Contact me: info@martintompkins.com

My Blog


Finished with a little bit of A.I. Rivers of England Frontman Robin Spalding.

Shot in the studio here in Bath. Fininhed with the help of Stable Diffusion and a littte bit of inpainting. 05/06/2023

Filming at Barbican London - Roopa Panesar

Filming for the Asian Arts Agency is always a pleasure thanks to Jaz and Aashi. I love the barbican as a venue and it was amazing to see these musicians all perform together and to hear this beautiful set. 04/04/2023

Harry Bone in the studio.

Smoke added with Stable Diffusion. 28/05/2023

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