General info
Digital Artist/Retoucher
As an artist, I was interested in self-expression. Now, I find I get more satisfaction in collaboration, communicating ideas effectively and creatively and implementing those ideas. My 20 years of work experience, from a publishing company to advertising agency work, and even an architectural photography studio, has exposed me to a variety of challenges and provided me with a multitude of skill sets. I am very interested in working in an integrated production environment with talented professionals, where I can develop more skills in photography, film/animation production and editing.

My work background includes graphic design, production, pre-press and color system management, and digital imaging. Along with management experience and high-end retouching skills, I have in-depth knowledge in Adobe CS applications, Luxology Modo, Quark and Oris Color Tuner. And having worked in fast-paced environments, I am comfortable with delivering high quality work under tight deadline constraints.
Chicago, IL
Sep 2012 - Sep 2019
Digital Imaging Manager
Promoted from a digital artist position to a management position within 6 months of joining Trisect, my time here has allowed me to further hone my abilities, and my confidence in my CGI abilities have grown substantially.

Job Responsiblilities:

• Initial focus was on building the relationship between the new integrated production studio and the creative directors
• Provide digital artistry through cross-functional use of digital imaging skills, including retouching and CGI
• Exhibit managerial direction through clear and concise communication with creative directors and account representatives to ensure the highest quality work within deadline constraints and budget limitations
• Continue to build the studio through creative thinking conversations, problem-solving approaches and constant monitoring of workflow levels and quality standards
Digital Artist
Filtre Studio
Freelancer 2009-Current

Giannini Creative Imaging
Freelancer 2009-Current

Classic Color
Freelancer 2009-Current

Hedrich Blessing
Freelancer 2009-Current

ARC Realty
Freelancer 2009-Current
Apr 2007 - Feb 2009
Digital Artist
Schawk - Giannini Creative Imaging
Taking this position in 2007, significantly enhanced my abilities as a digital artist. The work was challenging, involving more compositing and requiring more artistry, allowing me to use the skills I developed as an artist and the training I had at SAIC.

Job Responsibilities:

• Provided high-end retouching, compositing and color correcting for clients
• Communicated extensively with clients to determine their needs and assure that we were meeting them
• Collaborated with a team on a multitude of national advertising campaigns
Mar 1999 - Apr 2007
Digital Imaging Manager
Modern Luxury Media
I came to this fledgling company of 12 employees as a graphic designer performing basic tasks, like ad layouts, on one publication, Chicago Social. My abilities grew with this company and I worked my way up to Digital Imaging Manager of a department that I built. In the 8 years that I was there, the company grew to over 300 employees and 22 publications.

Job Responsiblities:

• Developed the digital imaging department, trained and managed employee’s output for, ultimately, 22 publications
• Facilitated communication with regards to production
• Remained involved in all aspects of production, including, retouching, file assembly, keylining, postscripting, and off-site press checks
• Maintained quality control on color management systems
Visual Communications
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago