General info
Alpine, Texas
I was going to include a bio. It seems to be the thing to do amongst us creative types online. But I couldn’t think of anything really pithy to say so I just decided to include some pertinent facts about myself…

Born in Oklahoma, but never lived there, thank God. Moved around a lot growing up, but have lived in Texas several times and Dallas longer than anywhere else.

Graduated from University of Texas in Austin. Got degrees in Photography & Design and Meso-American Archaeology. Never actually picked up my diplomas due to some obvious misunderstanding on the schools’ part about unpaid campus parking tickets.

Have done all kinds of artistic/creative jobs. Mostly due to a low tolerance for boredom.

Have spent years traveling the world and in therapy.

I collect rare books and read daily.

Been nominated for several Grammy Awards for album art. I think the whole ‘award show thing’ is pompous and self-serving. Of course, if I won, that would be totally different.

I have a lovely wall in my house filled with family photographs that I refer to as the "Wall of Death."

Even though I suffer from horrible motion sickness I'd still like to be an astronaut when I grow up.

Never developed an affinity for organized sports, religions, or cubicle jobs. Overall, just not a big joiner-inner.

I drive a BMW 535 station wagon. I prefer to think of it as a sports car with a station wagon body. Just like me.