General info
Senior Copywriter & Creative Lead
Melbourne, Australia
I'm a senior copywriter and creative lead with considerable experience across a wide range of brands and categories.

I've run accounts, led teams, won awards, shifted products and cultivated fruitful client relationships at some of the best agencies in Melbourne and London (plus a few in Tokyo, Paris and Amsterdam).

While proud to have won 2 Grand Prix and 15 Gold awards, I never let that pride get in the way of serving a client’s needs. Advertising has to be effective and engaging - and creativity is the best way to get there.


• 2 Grand Prix & 15 Gold Awards
• Listed as one of Campaign UK’s “Top Ten Talents"
• Selected for TBWA's global leader training in Milan
• Numerous pitch wins (some of huge value)
• Some really happy clients


• Copywriting
I try to know my audience, know when to be concise and when to be florid

• Tone
I can develop new styles and adapt quickly to existing styles

• Visual literacy
I understand how art and copy should dovetail
(I actually have a design degree)

• Presenting
Through aptitude, practise and training I'm good in front of clients

• Client relationships
I make an effort to understand a client's real needs

• Leadership & Mentoring
I'm comfortable leading (but am happy to follow when needed)

• Friendliness & positivity
It might not seem like a classic skill, but I think it's absolutely vital
May 2018 - Present
Freelance Senior Copywriter
Ogilvy, AJF, DDB, Dentsu & more
May 2014 - Mar 2018
Senior Copywriter
Oct 2012 - May 2014
Freelance Senior Copywriter
McCann & DDB
Sep 2011 - Oct 2012
Integrated Copywriter
Mar 2008 - Sep 2011
Freelance Senior Copywriter
Proximity, Wunderman, Glue, VCCP
Sep 2006 - Feb 2008
Senior Copywriter
Dec 2004 - Aug 2006
Senior Copywriter
Jun 2000 - Jan 2004
Junior Copywriter
Saatchi & Saatchi
Some of my awards
Spikes Asia (Grand Prix)
Spikes Asia (Gold x2)
Spikes Asia (Silver x2)
Cannes Cyber Lions (Silver)
Adfest (Gold)
Adfest (Silver)
Adfest (Bronze)
Campaign Press (Gold)
Campaign Digital (Gold)
Creative Showcase (Grand Prix)
Creative Showcase (Gold)
IDM Business Performance (Gold x2)
Creative Review (Annual Best x2)
Campaign UK (Best in Class)
Staffordshire (UK)
Sep 1996 - Jul 1999
Bachelor of Arts with Honours, Graphic Design & Advertising
Staffordshire University
Manchester (UK)
Sep 1995 - Jul 1996
BTEC Foundation Studies in Art & Design
South Trafford College
North Yorkshire (UK)
Sep 1989 - Jun 1990
Speech & Drama Grade 3
Guildhall School of Music and Drama
North Yorkshire (UK)
Sep 1989 - Jun 1994
A-Levels x4
Giggleswick School
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