General info
+918697912133 mobile
+918697912133 mobile
kolkata, london, Ankara
The Netherlands
The human phenomenon is Roymans’ central theme. His painting is a sort of “feedback loop” that begins and ends with man revealing both his godlike-sacral and quotidian-profane essences. It is precisely through the human form that various emotions and concepts are expressed. The task of the artist is to present those things, to make visible the painted canvas that is hidden in each of us. The artist believes that “any crisis in our life arises out of envy and the malice that flows from it. I paint pictures in the hope of freeing my heart from those two things. Therefore painting for me is not just one thing. It is a means of self-purification even more than of self-expression.

My art of painting and sculptures come from a very quiet place of my heart. I like to work with expressions of the human form in abstraction, the energy derived from that, the limit it reaches. The energy of the body, its motion comes from the source of his or her reserve of the mind which is reflected in respective expressions of my work. I aim to capture this energy or dynamicity through the expressions and reveal it through my paintings or sculpture forms.
General & Art Qualification
General & Art Qualification
Master of Fine Arts (Painting)- Rochville, U.S.A.
Ph.D. in Engineering- Univ.of London, U.K.
Ph.D. in Marketing Management- Stamford College- U.S.A.
Member- Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata,
Member- Ashwood Art Society- U.S.A,
Assoc. Member- Calcutta International Art Institute,
Member- Canadian Art Council- Mississauga, Canada,
Member- Royal Art Society, London,
Member- KUBRA, the Netherlands
Assoc. Member of KIFA, Calcutta
Merit Scholarship, Government of India – 1971
Best Painter National Award- New Delhi- 1972
Bruce Dorothy Rossetti Scholarship, Canada- 1982
Master Painter of India Award- India- 2007
Master painter of Bengal- 2011
ICCR Nomination artist to represent India to Moscow- 2012
Maestro Museum Artist - Moscow, Russia- 2012
KKMR Award for Life time Achievement of vocational excellence- 2012
International Major Solo & Group Exhibitions
1972- Academy of Fine Art, New Delhi- Group
1998- Florence, Italy- Southern Group Exhibition
2000- Taipei National Museum, Taiwan- Group & Auction
2001- Edward Gallery, Hong Kong- Solo
2002- Deutschlandsberg, Austria- Solo
2005- Gallery Van Arts, the Netherlands- Group
2006- Academy of Fine Arts- International Invitee
2007- AVISKAR- Birla Academy - Kolkata, India- Solo
2007- Amsterdam, the Netherlands- Group
2007- Academy of Fine Arts, Kolkata- SOLO
2008- “Art Spectrum” Sponsored by Birla Academy 2008- Group
2008- Exotic- Partha Pratim Deb & Manas Roy- Duet
2008- Darda National Gallery, India- Group
2008- Academy of Fine Arts- Group
2009- Sound of Art- Copenhagen-International Group Show
2009- Halo Heritage- Colours- Group
2010- Gallery Chemould Annual- Group
2010- Lalit Kala Academy, Orissa- Group
2010- AVISKAR- East Meets West – International Exhibition
2010- Shlok- Darda Gallery, Nagpur- Group
2010- Shlok- Lokmat Gallery- Aurangabad- Group
2010- Conversation- Orissa Lalit Kala Group- Birla Academy Hall.- Group
2010- Sukannya Sparsh- Rotary International Exhibition- Birla Academy
2010- AVISKAR- Birla Academy- India- International Group
2010- World of Art- Berlin- Group Exhibition
2010- AVISKAR- Oxmarket Gallery- Sussex, U.K.- International Group
2011- AVISKAR- Birla Academy- International Group- India
2011- Art Yatra- Mumbai- Group
2011- Gallery Gold- Opening Show- India-Group
2011- Sea of Art- Holland- Group
2011- Artist for Freedom- Germany

2011- European Open Art Fair- Utrecht- 2011- Art Biennale- Turkey-
2011- Stride- West Sussex- U,K, - Group show

2011- ART Yatra- Mumbai- Group Show
2012- AVISKAR- 7th Annual Show – Kolkata- Scheduled in January, 2012
2012- State Musuem of Oriental Art, Moscow- Museum show (May, 2012)
2012- ICCR- retrospective SOLO
Auction Ranking
Taipei National Formosa Auction- 2000- “Perception (70 x 60 cm)
Tsu Sung Art Auction- Hong Kong- 2002- “The Blues of Music”( 60 x 55 cm)
World of Art- Berlin- Auction-“ Union”- 80 x 70 cm
Rotary Conclave Auction- Calcutta- 2011 "Still Life"- 60 x 60 cm
James Hall Collection, Australia, France
Deutschlandsberg Castle - Austria
Taipei National Museum, Taiwan
State Museum of Oriental Art, Moscow
Embassy of India Art Collection, Moscow
Edward Art Hall- Hong Kong
Municipality Museum- The Hague, the Netherlands
Indian Parliament- New Delhi
Darda Art Gallery - Nagpur, India
Birla Art Collection- Kolkata
AZAD art collection- Dubai
Private Collection, India
Private Collection- U.S.A.
Built on Krop